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Maryland Zero Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Plan


The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, enacted as the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), Public Law 117-58 (Nov. 15, 2021), includes important new programs to address climate change by reducing carbon emissions. Among these programs is a national Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Program to provide funding that FHWA shall distribute among the States to strategically deploy EV charging infrastructure and to establish an interconnected network to facilitate data collection, access, and reliability.

Recent News

NEVI Round 1 Conditional Awards Announced

US map showing NEVI Guidance

MDOT Hosted Three Public NEVI Webinars

US map showing NEVI Guidance

Purpose of the NEVI Plan

The Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) and the Maryland Energy Administration (MEA) are working collaboratively with partners and stakeholders to develop the Maryland State Plan for National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Funding Deployment, and the subsequent NEVI program. The plan is required by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), enacted as the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), to access NEVI formula program funding. The NEVI Plan was submitted to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) on July 15, 2022, in advance of the federal deadline of August 1, 2022.

Funds must be used for:

  1. The acquisition and installation of EV charging infrastructure to serve as a catalyst for the deployment of such infrastructure and to connect it to a network to facilitate data collection, access, and reliability;
  2. proper operation and maintenance of EV charging infrastructure; and
  3. data sharing about EV charging infrastructure to ensure the long-term success of investments made under the program.

Maryland has a long history of collaboration, coordination, and leadership in the adoption and deployment of zero emission vehicles (ZEV) and EV infrastructure. This history of collaboration and dedication to innovative solutions has resulted in Maryland being consistently ranked as a leader in transportation electrification. Stakeholder feedback is welcome throughout the NEVI Plan and Program development process.

Description of Maryland’s Zero Emission Vehicle Plan (ZEVIP)

The NEVI Plan and Program, are key aspects of Maryland’s Zero Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Planning (ZEVIP) initiative. The goal of ZEVIP is to look at Maryland’s ZEV infrastructure holistically. As illustrated in the graphic to the right, the ZEVIP effort builds upon NEVI by incorporating other initiatives, such as discretionary grants, other state programs, and private investments. This approach will help us develop an understanding of existing and potential opportunities to maximize ZEV infrastructure deployment across Maryland.

ZEVIP Plan Flowchart

NEVI Milestones

July 2024

NEVI Round 1 Conditional Awards Announced

  • Click here to learn about the 23 projects receiving conditional awards 
June 2024

MDOT NEVI Webinars & Questions

  • MDOT hosted 3 webinars
      • Webinar #1 – Tuesday, June 11, 2024 | 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
      • Webinar #2 – Tuesday, June 18, 2024 | 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
      • Webinar #3 – Thursday, June 20, 2024 | 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
  • Click here to learn about webinars
May 2024

EV and Infrastructure Planning Survey Closed

  • Survey closed on May 15th with over 1,400 respondents
  • Summary of results and takeaways can be found here
April 2024

EV and Infrastructure Planning Survey Issued

  • Survey issued to gather feedback from the public on electrifying the transportation sector and developing statewide EV infrastructure plans
April 2024

NEVI Round 1 Proposals Due

  • NEVI Round 1 Request for Proposals period closed
  • Round 1 proposal review begins

NEVI Round 1 RFP Release


NEVI Plan Approval


Submit NEVI Plan

  • NEVI Plan submitted to Joint Office
JUNE 2023

Release of NEVI Guidance 2.0


Release of NEVI Standards & Requirements


2nd NEVI RFI Issued


1st NEVI RFI Issued

NEVI Plan Approval
  • NEVI plan approved by the Joint Office
JULY 2022

Submit NEVI Plan

  • NEVI plan submitted to the Joint Office
JUNE 2022

Draft NEVI Plan

  • Present Draft NEVI plan
  • Obtain final comments/ feedback on the Draft ZEVIP
April 2022

Gap Analysis, Equity Considerations & Prioritization Methodology

  • Present updated Vision, Goals and stakeholder feedback from Milestone # 1
  • Present preliminary gaps analysis and prioritization
  • Survey # 2 to obtain feedback on gaps and prioritization
    • Reaction/ Rating of identified gaps/ potential location identification including rural and underserved communities
    • Feedback for other gaps/ priorities/ metrics

MDOT has taken a leadership role in the designation of alternative fuel corridors (AFC) in the state. In addition to working with our partners in Maryland in our leadership role of Maryland’s Zero Emission Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Council (ZEEVIC), we have worked closely with neighboring states and regional coalitions to ensure corridor connectivity extends beyond our borders. The new round of AFC nomination is due to FHWA by May 13, 2022, which will be closely coordinated with the development of ZEVIP.

March 2022


  • Provide background on EV and IIJA funding/ requirements and changes to AFC
  • Share the website and the Vision, Goals, Objectives, and Priorities
  • Obtain feedback on existing Gaps
  • Obtain feedback on priorities for new location/ alternative fuel corridors
  • Share the Draft Plan outline and schedule
  • Share screening tools considered and obtain feedback/approval
  • Share information links
  • Survey #1 to obtain feedback on
    • Vision and goals
    • Existing infrastructure gaps
    • Prioritization criteria